Walt Disney World Packing Tips from Josh Mitchell, a Seasoned Disney Vacationer/Travel Agent Specializing in Disney Vacations!
No idea what to pack for your visit to Walt Disney World? We have you covered! My wife and I are two long-time visitors to the most magical place on earth. We’ve both been traveling to Walt Disney World with our families since the 1990s. We’ve visited as kids, teens, adults, as a married couple and with our own little one. With years of experience and literally countless visits to Walt Disney World, plus working as Vacation Planners (helping hundreds of families plan their vacations) we think we’re pretty qualified to help with a Walt Disney World packing list! Here are our top expert packing tips for Walt Disney World!
So, what items should you be packing for your visit to Walt Disney World?
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Documents & Must-Haves:
- IDs (driver’s license)
- Passport, if going on a cruise in combination with your WDW visit or if you’re visiting from somewhere outside the US
- Wallet (with credit/debit cards)
- Insurance card
- Cell phone
- Any prescription medications
Don’t Forget:
- MagicBands, if you’ve ordered them before your visit
- Disney gift cards
- Cash (small bills recommended for tipping people like airport shuttles or luggage assistance)
- Sunscreen
- Hats
- Sunglasses
- Backpack
- Fanny pack
- Ponchos
- Umbrellas
- Portable battery pack
More Recommendations:
- Basic pain reliever, cough drops, and cold medicine
- Allergy medication (especially in spring!)
- Insect repellant
- Motion sickness medicines (or wristbands)
- Hand sanitizer
- Face mask
- Refillable water bottle
- Ziplock bags for important items on rainy days
- Autograph book
- Anti-Chafe balm
- Waterproof phone pouch

Some people think Florida is hot all year round – they couldn’t be more wrong. Temperatures can drastically change in Florida, so it’s important to check your weather forecast 2-3 days prior to your vacation. You always want to make sure you have the latest information and predictions! Since the weather and temperatures can change, we’ve broken this section down into sections, Year round, winter months (Dec-Feb), March-April, Summer (May-August) Fall (Sept-Nov).
Disney World Packing Tips – Year Round Basics
- T-shirts (don’t forget your matching Disney tees!)
- Comfortable walking shoes
- Sandals
- Socks
- Pajamas
- Underwear
- Belt
- Athletic/comfy clothes for lounging
Tip: Disney World trips are busy and active vacations! The best tip we have for year-round gear is to bring items you are most comfortable doing a lot of walking in. The average guest can expect to walk 7-10 miles a day!
December – February
Average temperatures: highs in the 60s, lows in the 50s
It can get pretty cold at times during these months, so don’t be surprised if you get a cold spell in the low 30s and 40s. Think layers during this season, it’s much better to remove an outer layer than to not have something and be cold! For these months we recommend:
- Comfortable, warm jacket you can move in
- Hoodie and sweatshirt
- Comfortable walking jeans
- Sweatpants
- Leggings
- Activewear
Recommended accessories:
- Gloves
- Winter hat
Tip: Light gloves and a winter hat are good items to have in your park bag. They can be especially useful at night or when you aren’t moving as much a (like when you’re waiting for fireworks).

Average temperatures: highs in the 70s, lows in the 50s
These months can be some of the hardest to predict because the temperature can vary so much. During one of our Disney World visits in March, we were freezing one week in coats and hats, but sweltered the next week in shorts and t-shirts! You’ll just need to be prepared and check the weather again a few days before you head out.
- Shorts
- Pants/jeans/leggings
- Short sleeve shirts
- Light jackets (athletic jackets are great usually)
- Flip flops
- Swimsuit
- Ponchos
Tip: Prepare to be a bit cooler in the mornings, warm during the day with the sun, then back to cool in the evening. Light sweaters/hoodies can go a long way during these months! Hopefully you’ll be on the hot end of the spectrum (more so in April) but better safe than cold in the evenings!
May-August (Rainy season and HEAT!)
Average temperatures: highs in the 90s and lows in the 80s
Welcome to the rainy season in Orlando! It actually extends into October, so yep that’s half the year. Don’t travel to Orlando if you’re scared of a little rain, that’s for sure. Rainy season can bring a LOT of rain so you need to be prepared for a daily rain shower! The good news is that the rain showers can be fairly short, and will often come and go quickly in the afternoon.
- Ponchos, Ponchos, Ponchos! (or rain jackets, if you prefer)
- Shoes that can get wet
- Clothes you are comfortable in when wet
- Dry fit and athletic gear
- Quick dry shirts
- Athletic/active shorts
- Tank tops
- Swimsuits
Recommended accessories:
- Umbrellas
- Waterproof stroller covers
- Waterproof bags or things to seal items you don’t want getting wet
- Zip lock bags for items you don’t want to get wet (like your phone)
- Wearable fans to keep you cool
- Fans for strollers
- Hats/Sunglasses
Tips: Ponchos! No but seriously, don’t wait to buy these at the parks for $59.99 (kidding – they aren’t that much – but they are overpriced!) Buy your ponchos ahead of time and save yourself some money. You can get reusable or disposable ones. We’ve highlighted some popular brands in our recommended items sections below.
Bonus tip: It’s going to be HOT, especially in peak summer travel (June-July) so less is more. You want very breathable clothes that handle sweat well. Athletic/dry fit clothing can go a long way!

Average temperatures: Highs in the 80s and lows in the 60s
Be prepared for rain, it’s not uncommon to get that 3:00 PM rain shower! The good news is that it comes on fast but often leaves just as quick. This can even help clear out the park, so don’t be too disappointed if it rains; just be prepared so you can make the most of it! September is generally pretty hot (same with October). The evenings will get cooler as you head into November though. With these months you’ll need a good mix of items as the temperatures could vary a lot.
- Ponchos
- Shorts
- Pants
- T-shirts
- Hoodie/sweatshirt
- Athletic/light jackets for evenings (check weather for later in October/November and plan accordingly)
- Swimsuits
Recommended accessories:
- Umbrellas
- Waterproof stroller covers
Tip: Unlike the summer months when you’re already drenched from sweat and don’t mind the refreshing rain, fall months can have some cooler showers. This will depend on the temperatures while you are traveling, but it’s likely you’ll be wanting to avoid getting wet a lot more during these months. Plan to grab a snack or ride an indoor attraction if it looks like rain is coming. Pull out that handy weather app and see how big the storm is – if it’s small, you hopefully won’t need to wait long!
Disney World Packing Tips: What’s In Our Park Bag?
- Cell phone
- Battery pack (and charging cord!)
- Camera (if not using phone)
- MagicBands (if not already on the wrist, make sure everyone has theirs before leaving the room!)
- Sunglasses/glasses
- Sunscreen!
- Hat
- Hand sanitizer and wet wipes
- Umbrella
- Poncho
- Ziplock bags
- Medicines
- Trading pins
- Autograph books
- Few light snacks
- Wallet (with IDs and credit card)
Tips: If you don’t have a portable charger, now is the time to invest! Both the My Disney Experience app and camera can drain a lot of battery, so you will likely need to charge at some point during the day. We recommend the Anker battery pack! We have used several different variations over the years and have loved them all.
Disney World Packing Tips: Our Favorite Items

Anker battery pack – A good battery pack goes a long way on a Disney World vacation! The My Disney Experience app is a battery drainer so be prepared to charge your phone. We personally use Anker battery packs and like the smaller ones so they are easy to carry.
Apple AirTags – If you’re an iphone user, take the plunge and invest in some AirTags! We never travel without these. These are one of my favorite travel items to be honest. Luggage goes missing now more than ever it seems, and AirTags can help you know where your luggage is even when the airline doesn’t.
We even put them in our backpacks and fanny pack in case we ever lose an item. We’ll always know where we left it! We recommend hiding your AirTag in a secure place in your item (not clipping it on anywhere). If your bag was ever stolen, you’ll know.
Portable neck fan – I was skeptical of these when I started seeing them pop up in popularity around the parks but wow do they make a difference! I will never visit Disney World during the summer without mine ever again. These are amazing on hot summer days in Florida!
Tripolke mini handheld fan – These are nice additions to the neck fan but are no replacement by any means. These are just great to have on hand for extra airflow. They are lightweight and small so throwing them in your park bag is easy.
Pogo Plastic water bottle – We personally use these Pogo water bottles and love them. They are easy to carry and can even attach a clip to them. Any water bottle will do of course but we do encourage one with a clip, or strap. We also recommend something lightweight since you’ll be carrying it all day.
Osprey Ultralight packing set – Once you use a packing cube set you won’t go back. Packing cubes are amazing and my wife (Brittany) refuses to pack in anything but packing cubes. They make organization (even unpacking at the resort) so much easier!
Travelwise Packing Cubes – These are some less expensive alternative packing cubes.
Repel Umbrella – You may already have an umbrella and that’s perfectly fine to bring, just don’t forget it! If you need a recommendation the Repel Umbrella on Amazon has some great reviews and is easy to use. Just note it isn’t the largest umbrella (good for carrying) so don’t expect to fit the whole family under it. Sorry kid’s you’re in the rain!
Hiearcool waterproof phone pouch – These are great if you are traveling during rainy season to keep your cell phone dry! Technically you can even submerge these in water (we’ve done it) so they are neat to have for pool photos of the family.
Frogg Toggs Poncho – Any poncho will do but the Frogg Toggs have some really solid reviews so it’s our recommendation for a reusable poncho. If you want desirable ponchos we have some suggested ones for those below.
Hagon PRO Disposable rain ponchos (Adults) and for Kids. Mainly just don’t want to buy ponchos at the park when you encounter rain for the first time. Be prepared and save some money too by having something on hand. Remember it’s not if it’s going to rain, it’s when.
Osprey Daylite Daypack – Looking for a good backpack for the park? Look no further than the Osprey Daylite daypack! It’s lightweight and is a really nice size for the parks. Remember you don’t want something too big that’s a pain to carry around all day.
Croakies Eyeweare retainer – It’s estimated that since the park opening in 1971 that 1.65 million pairs of glasses (probably even more now) have been lost at Walt Disney World. If you wear sunglasses or glasses, make this investment now and get yourself some type of glasses holder in case they slip off your face on a ride.
Body glide anti chafe balm – You’ll thank us later for this one. Invest in some body glide now. Disney World vacations are a lot of walking and if you’re like me you aren’t walking 10 miles a day at home for several days straight in the blistering sun.
Ododos unisex mini belt bag – A small bag in addition to a backpack for important items can go a long way. I personally use a fannypack and keep my phone, wallet (secured with an airtag) and portable charger in it. Anything I may need often but don’t want slipping out of my packets on rides!
Gel Blister Cushion – Remember when I said Disney World vacations were a lot of walking? Yep, blisters are likely going to happen. Come prepared with some good bandaids and cushions for those. A little bonus tip – don’t buy new shoes before you leave for your Disney World vacation. Everything that goes on your feet should be broken in at least a little bit before you head out!
Walt Disney World Packing Tips for Little Ones

Traveling with little ones? These are some of our top prepared parents items!
At Walt Disney World, I like to say that prepared parents are happy parents. Nothing is worse than not having the things you need for your little one while on vacation. These are my tips for families that are traveling with toddlers and infants!
Amacool Stroller fan – A must have – seriously! If you’re hot, they’re hot and a stroller fan will help keep your little one happy and more comfortable in the Florida heat. Ideally you want something you can easily clip onto your stroller. You can even attach two – one facing the baby and one facing the person pushing the stroller! The neck fans are also nice for older toddlers.
Bemece universal stroller rain cover – You see the rain coming but you’re next in line for Peter Pan. You see your nice new stroller, you see the clouds. Yep, it happens. Unprepared parents fall to the uncovered stroller. We highly suggest a cover for your stroller because once it gets wet, it’s not a lot of fun for the rest of the day.
Baby Carrier – We love this one from Baby Bjorn because it’s mesh, so it’s not as hot (for baby or parent!). There are lots of alternative options available too though. We prefer a structured carrier for the heat, but a wrap or sling can also work great in the cooler months or for using indoors.
Stroller Sun Shade – This shade attaches easily onto any stroller for some extra added shade. It’s thin (so it doesn’t work well if it’s windy), but we love this for how easy it is to put on and off. It really helps keep the baby covered!
Kids Poncho – Just including the link here again for the kids!
Waterproof Mickey wet bag – Parents live by these for travel! Accidents are going to happen and having somewhere to put those items is key when out and about. They have a lot of different uses so having a few on hand is even suggested for some parents.
ID safety wristbands – Disney is really good about lost kids so don’t worry your little one won’t be joining It’s a Small World. If you want extra peace of mind ID safety bracelets are good travel items to have on hand if you have a child that likes to wonder.
Alpine Muffy Baby Ear protections – We have these ready to go for our little traveler! They have a lot of uses but for Airplanes and especially evening fireworks you may want something for your little ones.
Stroller organizer – Not a necessity by any means but a nice item to have. A stroller organizer can help unclutter those backpacks and have all your baby items ready at a moments notice.
Portable diaper changing pad – Might just be me but I’m not a fan of public bathrooms. A changing pad can go a long way when you’re on vacation and need a clean area to change baby!
Baby sunglasses – You’re going to have sunglasses on – so don’t forget about your little one’s eyes either! Just make sure they like using them, some babies are not too keen on having things on their face. I’d also encourage a baby sunhat too, especially for the pool days!
Baby Sunhat – Another helpful item for keeping baby protected from the sun!
Disney World Packing Tips: Save Money by Buying ‘Souvenirs’ in Advance

Save money and buy some Disney items ahead of time! It’s important to note these are not official Disney items in most cases. These are just fun, cute, Disney-inspired items that can help you save some money (and be on theme) before you even set foot out the door.
Disney Mickey drawstring bags – These are really cute. Simple Disney inspired drawstrings, great for giving to the kids to put some of their own items in to carry around so you don’t have to.
Waterproof Mickey wet bag – Great for parents that have little ones or items they don’t want leaking into the rest of their backpack.
Minnie Mouse bow scrunchies – Just fun little accessories to show your Disney spirit and how much you prepared for this trip.
Mouse ears – Are you even at Disney World if you don’t have Mickey ears? These are not as nice as the ones in the park my wife tells me, but they also are half the cost. Like with anything you get what you pay for though, a great less expensive alternative to park ears.
Mickey baseball cap hat – Dad’s can’t be left out either! Get those ears on. This is Disney World!
Disney Themed T-shirts! – If you left home without a Disney shirt, just turn around now. It’s going to be awkward for you at the parks. Here’s another one we like! And one that’s perfect for Animal Kingdom.
Oniva Disney PTX backpack cooler – For families that want to bring a cooler into the park (remember no loose or dry ice are allowed, so use ice packs!) this is a super cute Disney inspired cooler. I can’t say I personally suggest a cooler but some families travel with one so it felt right to include it on the Disney inspired list!
Disney Tote Mickey & Minnie – Perfect for your pool day at the resort! Pack the tote with all the things you need for a day by the pool without having to empty out your park bags.
Disney luggage – Ever see those ‘Disney nuts’ at the airport with Disney luggage? Well now you can join them! No but seriously, what says we’re going to Disney World more than Disney inspired luggage?
Small Disney backpack – Lounge Flies are roughly $100 at the parks, that’s probably not what everyone needs to spend on a backpack. If you want a less expensive alternative (great for younger ones especially) then these $20 Disney inspired bags are the perfect gift.
Bonus tip: We find it really fun to surprise the people in your travel party with gifts before you leave. Practical items (like a backpack) that can help get the family ready for their vacation! If you do order some of these more fun items before your vacation, we suggest making a big deal about it for the kids and hyping up the trip! This works really well for families that may have not traveled a lot before. Sometimes kids can be hesitant and making the process fun and exciting before they even leave home is a nice way to ease them into traveling!
We hope these Walt Disney World packing tips are helpful!
We hope these Disney World packing tips are helpful as you get ready for your vacation! Did we miss something on this list? Do you have travel items you swear by? Check us out on TikTok and Instagram and let us know what we missed! Have a magical vacation!